.......... .. .. ........... "Once In A While You Get Shown The Light In The Strangest Of Places If You Look At It Right" :Robert Hunter

All of the music recordings on this site are recordings of independent origin (ROIOs) Music that has not been officially released. If you are an artist or a legal representative of an artist and you do not want your ROIO shared on my site for free among your fans (and creating new fans), just tell me in the comment area and I will remove them. By the way these recordings exist. They won't go away. All of them can be found at various places on line. Sharing just keeps the fans that support the artists from having to get ripped off by purchasing them on auction sites, and it also introduces music to people who would never have known the artist, creating a stronger fan base.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Loreena Mckennitt, Christmas, 1994

This is some beautiful Christmas music recorded in a radio station studio. I believe it is KCRW radio, Morning Becomes Eclectic radio program. I recommend editing out the interviews for the full Christmas effect. Sound quality is just about perfect.

Loreena Mckennitt
KCRW Studio
Santa Monica, CA

Loreena McKennitt: Harp and Vocals
Hugh Morish: Violin
Brian Hughes: Guitar
Donald Quan: Tablas and Accordion
Steve Lucas: Bass
Rick Lazar: Percussion

01- Dickens Dublin (the palace)
02- Interview
03- Snow-God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen
04- Interview
05- Greensleeves**
06- Between Shadows
07- Interview
08- Coventry Carol
09- Interview
10- Good Wenceslas
11- Interview

Download Links


  1. Graicas por este disco...una gran interprete, una gran voz. Gracias.

  2. ¡no hay problema, no es nada mi amigo. Sí, ella tiene una gran voz
    AZ, Jones

  3. Thank you, and God Bless! Merry Christmas!
