In continuing down the Weather Report path here is some Zawinul Syndicate. I posted Zawinul Syndicate from 1998 so here are three shows from other years of that same time period. It shows how Zawinul varied the sound and lineup of musicians and was always experimenting. Joe Zawinul was was one of the most influential keyboard players of the jazz fusion movement and what is called World Music. He played and wrote music with Miles Davis on the ground breaking albums In A Silent Way and Bitches Brew. And then co-founded Weather Report one of the greatest jazz fusion band ever. Joe always brought together various different musical cultural influences making his sound a melting pot of world cultures. Joe Zawinul died of cancer in 2007but his music has changed the musical landscape forever. All three of these have great sound and are most likely radio broadcasts.

This first one has a very African sound and it should since it has players from Senegal, Cameroon, and Morocco. The Guitar player Amit Chatterjee is from India but his sound fits in well with the African rhythm section
The Zawinul Syndicate
Hamburg, Germany
November 16, 1996
Joe Zawinul, keyboards, vocals
Amit Chatterjee, guitar
Richard Bona, bass, vocals
Mokhtar Samba, percussion, vocals
Abdou Mboup, drums
1. Introduction to a Mighty Theme
2. Waraya
3. Indescretions
4. Slivovitz Trail
5. Mi Gente
Download Link
This next one still has some of the African influences but also has some Latin American rhythms as it brings in a percussionist from Puerto Rico and one from the Ivory Coast. This is what is considered the "classic lineup" for Zawinul Syndicate because this is the linup that cut the album World Tour that is well known.
The Zawinul Syndicate
Köln, Germany
March 11, 1997
Joe Zawinul, keyboards, vocals
Gary Poulson, guitar
Richard Bona, bass, vocals
Manolo Badrena, percussion, vocals
Paco Sery, drums, kalimba, vocals
1. Introduction to a Mighty Theme
2. Waraya
3. Erdäpfe Blues
4. Carnavalito/ In an Island Way
5. Slivovitz Trail
6. Indescretions
Mp3/192kDownload Link
This last one has a lot of the Weather Report sound and feel. It is no surprise with three members of Weather Report and them doing the song Madagascar and then a bit of the Pastorius song Continuum in the tribute to Jaco Pastorius, Do You Know.
The Zawinul Syndicate
Leverkusener Jazztage 1999
October 21, 1999
Joe Zawinul, keyboards, vocals
Gary Poulson, guitar
Victor Bailey, bass, vocals
Manolo Badrena, percussion, vocals
Karim Ziad, drums, vocals
Maria João, vocals
1. Madagascar (Zawinul)
2. Louange (Ziad)
3. Do You Know (Pastorius/ Bailey)/ Badia (Zawinul)
4. Bimoya (Zawinul)
Download Link
THX for this great post, love Joe Zawinul........;-)