Many of the people of this country that I'm talking about call themselves followers of Christ. And they are one of the reasons Christianity is on the decline in the United States.
Here are some facts to think about, they are a few years old but close enough for this discussion.
Eighty-five percent of young people outside the church who have had connection to Christians believe present-day Christianity is hypocritical. Inside the church, forty-seven percent of young people believe the same thing.
80 percent of the world’s evangelical wealth is in North America.
Giving by churchgoers was higher during the Great Depression than it is today.
Self Proclaimed Christians give an average of $13.31/week to their local church.
Only 9 percent of “born-again” adults reported tithing in 2004.And let's take a peek in on our neighbors in need:
More than 1 billion people live in absolute poverty.
500 million people are at the edge of starvation.
200 million children are being exploited as laborers.
Half of the human beings on the planet live on less than $2/day.
1.5 billion people do not have enough money to buy food.
So what is a follower of Christ called to do according to the Bible?
Ephesians 2:10 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them" So we are made to do "good works". What would these "good works" look like? John the Baptist who Jesus called the greatest of the Prophets said In Luke 3 that unless you bear "good fruit" you will be cut off from the branch. What did "good fruit" look like to John? He said in Luke 3:11 "He who has two coats, let him give to him who has none, and he who has food , let him do likewise."

So that puts it pretty plainly. We ("all the nations")will be divided between the ones who help others and the ones who don't. The ones who help others eternal life. The ones who don't eternal punishment.
So doesn't that contradict that we are not saved by our works? No because if we are saved by belief and faith in Christ we will follow Christ and bear fruit of the spirit that is love. And we will as Jesus said follow His commandments the greatest of which are Love the lord you God with all your heart and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Following Christ means to lay down our lives for others just as He did. So how do we find a place or a way to help "the least of these"? Here is a place I have found, that could use any help you could give.
LIFE GIVING MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL INC. It is a small ministry done by two of my friends Michael and Marianna Purinton and their friends in Uganda James and Merry Kizza . Michael went to Uganda and made connections by helping build and orphanage and school. And now helps by sending funds to keep it going. Here is what Mike says "On last count I had was 134 kids in the school. This school is different because the kids don't have to be Christians to come. Every kid in the village is welcome."
Mike and Marianna are not wealthy just loving. Mike is an electrician.
Here are some messages sent by James Kizza in Uganda to Mike and Marianna.
(May 26th 2009)
Hello dear Pastor Mike and Marianna Purinton.How are you in the name our Lord Jesus Christ? Hope in him all are good. On Sunday at around 9.30 pm when we were coming from mission Mulago hospital we met the thief they bitten us with Merry and Matovu ,they bitten us badly and at this moment Merry is admitted at Namirembe hospital because she is in critical condition ,she is pregnant and the doctor said that she may get operation because the child in womb does not shaking in.!!Pray for us because the situation is not easy for us. The thief took our amplifier and Little money from my pocket. The good news the house its already finished for roofing for two rooms and door but the windows are not yet .Slow but sure. So my brother Mike thank you for the work you are doing here and I thank you very very much. In few days i will send to you the snap and see your work. Pray for Maria and the Children are crying because they are missing their Mother at home ,when they ask me where is their mother I tell them that she is in hospital and I carriage them that Mam will come at in the name of Jesus. Any information about Merry i will let you know.
Have a nice time.
(July 21st 2009)
Hello dear Pastor Mike and Marianna Purinton.Hope you are fine in the name of Jesus.How are family members?We are fine at home but last week i visited to Bukomero to see how is there but the famine will kill the people!They don't have food and water!I went there last Saturday but when i found that situation there ,I came back on that very day but yesterday on the money you sent I bought 200kg of maize flour and took them ,but dear MIKE pray for Uganda the famine started to kill some people in some arias ! How was the weekend there? We are good and your grand kids are fine.
Send my greetings to all that we love you so much.
Let me wish you the best and may God bless you.

(Sept. 21st 2009)
Dear Pastor Mike and Marianna Purinton.Its so good in the name of Jesus Christ,this morning we have got the Baby Boy, God is good !All things we had expected to be God decided that will not happen on Merry ,because Doctors told us that according to the damages she got when we had the problems with thieves that she can get operation! But all are good and the Baby no any complication has happen.
Thank you for you prayers.
Have a nice time.
(Nov. 20th 2009)
Dear Pastor Mike and Marianna Purinton,hope you all fine.How is Ministry? We are O.K and we are getting rain every day.God is good because the people were going to die the hungry ,there is no food in the village but now the hope has come in the minds of the people because We have the rain. Let me wish you the best and and may God bless you.

(Feb 10th 2010)
Hello dear Pastor Mike and Marianna Purinton,hope you all fine.lam so happy for the great work you are building this Ministry and lam so happy that you are joining hands with us to build the word of our Lord in this Nation, thank you so much.
Yesterday I got the money on account there is 1900,000= thank you very much ,The beginning of the school was so good but the parents sent many Pupil at our new school! According to the environment of that aria no help no what, the parents see it as a miracle of our school ,I told them all you are seeing here its on the head of Mike Purinton. The money on account let me buy the uniforms of the kids and maize flour for the pollage for drinking on lunch .On Monday Merry is going to be very busy on sewing the uniforms. and am going to save some little money to pay the teachers but so far We are still have three teachers because are very expensive.As soon as we finished the uniforms lam going to send the photos of the kids. Today i have sent the photos of our buildings ,one of the photo you can see the house of teachers and the other one it is class rooms play ground it is behind of the houses .In the other photo you can see the Baby David James with Isaac ,the other one are your grand children at the Church. You will see more development in next photos. We wish you the best and may God bless you.
James and Merry.
We love you so much

(Feb 25th 2010)
My dear Pastor Mike Purinton and Marianna,hope you are all fine.All are going well in Bukomero and at Church.God is working in us.Thank you so much for all you are doing.
So far we have 57 pupils in our school ,others were stoped because the classes are not enough but next term i promised them because we are going to make expand the rooms pray for this work .All these not me but You mike.
So you can see the kids at their school and teacherd.
Have a nice time.
Yours James Kizza

(June 2nd 2010)
Dear Pastor Mike and Marianna Purinton.
How are you dear? We praise the Lord for the work you are doing here.God is good.I james Kizza ,i THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE WORK GOING ON IN BUKOMERO .sa far we have 110 students ,in the photos those are children of primary one.Dear Mike you can wonder the parents are very happy for your work here. We have six teachers and one chef kook.You know the pupils have to get a break fast. Every Teacher getting 80000= the cooker 60000= thats your you doing it.Thank you Mike. Every parent will benefit in you in the name of Jesus and many people will benefit in this project.
This day I have received the parcel you sent in last year 2009 and will tell you
For the big work we are doing there and the land owner promised to give us more two acres let us pray for that.if we get it we can make the pray ground for the pupils and the other part to build staff quarters. In the mango tree that is our new building ,in the other photo I was purse with teachers. God is good all the time. We wish you the blessings.
James beans

(Oct 2010)
Dear Pastor Mike and Marianna Purinton,how are you dear ? We are fine but this day we have lost our Church member!!! She has gone to meet our Father ,she have been a good person ,hamble and leader.Let her soul rest in peace. Dear Pastor Mike ,yesterday I recieved the two boxes of pencils and other things,thank you so much ,all will be happy and every child must must get on the gifts you sent ,they will be very happy. Let us pray God you to be with us next year,Glory be to God.
Have a nice week.
As you can see that Michael and Marianna have made a difference. When Michael got there several years ago they had to choose between the children to save and the ones who would die due to lack of funds to buy food. Today they have a school building and some hope. Still life is on the edge for these people but they are making progress.
So if you want to join Mike and Marianna and James and Merry give hope to this poor village in Uganda. Send a check made out to LIFE GIVING MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL INC. Send it to Michael and Marianna Purinton PO Box 18201 695 Oak Dr. Munds Park, AZ 86017. To call them 928-286-9481. A little will go a long way and there is no administration costs.
(Malachi 3:10-12) "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. {11} I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty. {12} "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says the LORD Almighty."
ReplyDelete“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Luke 6:38)"
ReplyDeleteDeep and wonderful words Arizona. Just strange that you at the same time support the far right in your country. People who might call them selves 'Christian', but at the same time seem to favour warfare more than wellfare!
ReplyDeletekind regards.
Funny you think I side with the far right. What gave you that idea. I just side with what is right and making bombs and going to war is not what my Lord jesus desires.